Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Spiffing Up My Other Blog - Free Ad Space

I am trying to spiff up my shopping blog.

If you have an on-line shop and would like some free ad space on Mira, please comment here and I will get in touch with you with all the details. I will be promoting the blog on the Etsy forums and there will be a link to it from my profile in the IndieFixx Galleria in September.

If you are interested in writing a product review as a guest, I will be sure that your review includes a link to your blog and shop if you have one. Again, comment here if you have recently purchased an item that you would like to review.

Thanks for your help.


Craftymoose Crafts said...

How did I ever miss that you had a second blog & a wonderful one at that!

If you have space, I'd love some exposure!


maryeb said...

I have an etsy shop.

I also just bought an item on etsy and would be happy to do a review.

Kathea Pinto said...

Hi I also offer free ad space on my blog. Would love a trade. Thanks!
