Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why I Love Alice Munro

I love Alice Munro.

That said, I have been slogging through her latest book, The View From Castle Rock, for weeks. It is very unusual for me to take more than a week to read something. Usually I am sneaking off to read anytime I think I can get away with it. But this book has NOT been calling my name throughout the day.

And then, last night I was putting in my obligatory two pages before falling asleep, when a single sentence made me aware of something about myself that had never occurred to me. It resonated with such truth, that (much to my sleeping husband’s dismay) I actually slapped the book closed and said, “THAT’S why I love Alice Munro.”

“…..I am not sure now whether I love any place, and that it seems to me it was myself that I loved here….”

-Alice Munro


Eva said...

It is so true and so well said!
Please keep reading!

Who knows, what else she has to say...and even if that sentence would be the only one for whole book, it`s still worth it.


Steph said...

Yep. That sentence made the whole book worth it. I will never see nostalgia the same way again!

Tracey said...

Whoa - what a line. I am just discovering Alice Munro . . . a fun journey . . . you have inspired me to pick up my most recent purchase . . . "Runaway"

Steph said...

I really loved "Runaway."

Zellmer said...

There is a movie coming out soon, directed by Sarah Polly, based on one of her short stories. I think it's called "The Bear came over the Mountain." I could be waaaaay off, but it's something like that. Check it out.

Zellmer said...

There is a movie coming out soon, directed by Sarah Polly, based on one of her short stories. I think it's called "The Bear came over the Mountain." I could be waaaaay off, but it's something like that. Check it out.